Behind the WHITE TIGER collection is a group of twenty-one talented, determined, resilient, and empathetic first graders

Embarking on a year-long project is daunting for even the most grown up of adults,

but these 21 “rookies” - as we affectionately refer to them as - were fearless in the face of this monumental challenge. Their responsibility, teamwork, and empathy focused into a clear mission:

1) to reduce the waste that their classroom, and furthermore - their elementary school - expels into their local habitat,

2) to symbolically rescue a tiger in need by donating raised funds to the foundations that work on the ground, in the wild, to protect and enrich these beautiful big cats in their natural habitats

3) to become more aware of our own power and global citizenship to create the change they want to see in their world

The young entrepreneurship that has bloomed in their classroom has inspired their adults to become better humans, work more mindfully in how they interact with our world, and care more fiercely about those that might not be at the forefront of our minds.

This collection is dedicated to Ms. Schneider’s first grade class of 2023-24 - we are so proud to be a small part of your mission.

The WHITE TIGER collection:

WHITE TIGER creations are made to resemble the advantageous, natural camouflage of the dangerously beautiful big cat they are named after.

Created by a gorgeous fusion of ash, cherry, and walnut woods, the distinctive striping generates a unique piece of utilitarian art in whatever form it takes.

Want a wild cat of your very own?

Place a special order here:


PHOENIX Series Collection